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Common Questions
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Written by TrulyInbox
Updated over a week ago

Do you offer sending of custom templates?

No, we dont offer sending custom templates. However, when we run warmup for your account we use custom templates and we do use multiple email variants so that ESPs don't detect an automated activity

On the various paid plans the number of boxes warmed up, how do they work? Can I change them? For example I warm up 5 inboxes for 20 days, then I switch to another 5 inboxes deleting the old ones? Or under one plan am I stuck with the same inboxes for the duration of the subscription?

Yes, you can change the email inbox by deleting the old ones.

wanted to ask in the starter plan can we use 5 email accounts of different domains?

Yes, you can connect email accounts of different domains

Is warming up emails in multiple languages important?

Warming up emails in multiple languages is not particularly important. Our email warmup service takes care of everything, regardless of the language. You just need to connect your email account, and we handle activities like opening emails, marking them as important, and replying.

Are language barriers a concern during the warmup process?

Language barriers are not a concern when using our service because the warmup process takes place in our warmup pool, not with your actual users. This means it's effective for all languages.

What's the process with Trulyinbox for email warmup?

It's simple. Connect your email account, and you're good to go. Our system handles all the necessary warmup activities, making it hassle-free for you.

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